Our company purchases all kinds of insurance products on behalf of its customers from insurance companies operating in our country, and obtains solutions by acting as a customer representative in the event of damage.
To establish long-term relations with customers,
To add “value” to the business of our customers,
To meet the expectations of our customers in an experienced and fast manner,
To provide fast and high-quality services by establishing long-term relationships with insurance companies for the interests of our customers,
To prioritize customer interest by acting in the capacity of customer representative,
To develop and implement insurance programs to cover the risks of our customers,
To ensure that the necessary coverages are obtained by risk analysis,
To conclude the damage by taking the customer’s place in the event of damage,
To provide possible appropriate payment plans in the transfer of policy premiums to insurance companies, and to carry out the transfer.
ECB Insurance and Reinsurance Brokerage Inc.
Authorized with a license to work as ECB Insurance and Reinsurance Broker in the Life, Non-Life and Reinsurance Branches pursuant to the letters of the Undersecretariat of Treasury dated 05.11.1999 and numbered 81293.