We work on behalf of our customers with the following companies serving in our country;
AK Sigorta
Allianz Sigorta
Anadolu Sigorta
Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik
Arex Sigorta
Axa Sigorta
Bereket Sigorta
Bupa Acıbadem Sigorta
Chubb Sigorta
Corpus Sigorta
Doğa Sigorta
Euler Hermes Sigorta
Generali Sigorta
Gri Sigorta
Groupama Sigorta
Gulf Sigorta
HDI Sigorta
Koru Sigorta
Magdeburger Sigorta
Mapfre Sigorta
Neova Sigorta
Orient Sigorta
Quick Sigorta
Prive Sigorta
Ray Sigorta
Sompo Sigorta
Şeker Sigorta
Türk Nippon Sigorta
Türk P&I Sigorta
Türkiye Sigorta
Unico Sigorta
VHV Sigorta
Zurich Sigorta
ECB Insurance and Reinsurance Brokerage Inc.
Authorized with a license to work as ECB Insurance and Reinsurance Broker in the Life, Non-Life and Reinsurance Branches pursuant to the letters of the Undersecretariat of Treasury dated 05.11.1999 and numbered 81293.